Birding, Lions & Wildlife of Gujarat

Duration: 09 Nights / 10 Days

Place to visit: New Delhi – Rajkot – Sasan Gir – Velavadar - Little Rann of Kutch – Ahmedabad – New Delhi Fly Back Home

Day 1: Arrive New Delhi (by Flight)
On arrival at New Delhi airport, you will be met by our representative who will transfer you to your hotel, assist you in check in at the hotel, handover and explain all travel related documents. Overnight stay at the hotel in New Delhi

Day 2: New Delhi – Rajkot - Sasan Gir (by flight + 180, 4 hrs drive)
Early morning transfer to airport to board a flight to Rajkot at 0550 hrs to reach Rajkot at 0825 hrs. Met at airport and drive to Sasan Gir 180 kms/ 4 hrs drive. On arrival check into the resort. Lunch at resort and afternoon game drive to the national park. Dinner and overnight at the resort.

Day 3: In Sasan Gir
Morning and afternoon game drive to the National Park. Breakfast and lunch at the Resort.
Gir is the only home in India for the Asiatic Lion of which there are nearly 500 in the park. The Gir National Park lies in the Gujarat peninsula in South-Western India. The terrain is rugged with low hills and the vegetation is mixed deciduous, with stands of Teak, Acacia, Jamun, Tendu and Dhak trees, interspersed with large patches of grasslands. The trees on the hills are sparse and stunted. Within the sanctuary there are numerous human settlements of cattle herders called Maldharis with an estimated 20,000 head of livestock (which, incidentally, forms a significant part of the Lion’s diet). There are also places of Hindu worship and pilgrimage and sulphur springs at Tulsi Shyam and Kankai Mata. The edges of the park have a good population of Indian Gazelle, protected by religious sentiments of the local people.

Dinner and overnight at the resort

Day 4: In Sasan Gir
Morning and afternoon game drive to the National Park. Lunch and dinner at the reosrt.
The largest compact tract of dry deciduous forest in the country, protected as Gir National Park and Sanctuary, covers an area of 1412 sq km in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Gir has evolved to host a very stable ecosystem with tremendous regenerating, self-supporting and self-sustaining capacity due to its richness of biodiversity: 606 different plant species, 39 species of mammals, 37 species of reptiles and over 300 species of birds and more than 2,000 species of insects.

A breeding ground for migratory birds, the avifauna of Gir includes a variety of raptors and many other significant species, including Lesser Florican, Osprey, Indian Pitta, Red-headed Vulture, etc. It also supports a variety of reptiles, including the Indian python and the Indian star tortoise, and possibly one of the highest populations of Marsh crocodile in the country. Gir also has one of the densest concentrations of leopards in India. Gir is also a great place to see Leopards, more than 400 inhabit this park.

Dinner and overnight at the Resort

Day 05: Sasan Gir – Velavadar (210 kms/4-5 hrs drive)
Morning game drive to the national park and after lunch drive to Velavadar 210 kms, 4/5 hrs drive.  On arrival check into Black Buck Lodge. Evening bird watching near by the resort.

The national park spread over 34.52 sq km area is a paradise for those interested in natural history. As you travel in your jeep in the park, it is a magical journey through the wilderness. Camera and binoculars in hand, cautious to any movement and ears alert to the sound of the forest. This is the heightened sensory of the Blackbuck National Park. The park has grasslands, shrub lands, saline plains and mud flats, which support a variety of grass, 95 species of flowering plants, 14 species of mammals, over 140 species of birds and as many reptiles. The Alang and Paravalio Rivers, three artificial ponds, two check dams and nearby coastal marshes provide an ideal habitat for aquatic flora and fauna.

From a conservation viewpoint, a unique feature of the park is that it is the only tropical grassland in India to be given the status of a national park. Velavadar has India’s largest population of Blackbuck, the elegant Indian antelope. One of the fastest mammals in the world, the Blackbuck is capable of achieving high speeds when leaping over the plains of Velavadar. India’s largest antelope, the Nilgai or Blue Bull, is easily seen in this national park. You have chance see the endangered Indian Grey Wolf, the nocturnal Striped Hyena, Indian Fox, Golden Jackal, Jungle Cat and many small mammals like hare, gerbil, field mice, mongoose and hedgehog. If you are a birdwatcher, Velavadar is a paradise.

Dinner and overnight stay at Black Buck Lodge, Velavadar.

Day 06: Velavadar
Morning and afternoon jeep safari at the Velavadar national park. Melas and overnight stay at Black Buck Lodge, Velavadar

Day 07: Velavadar - Little Rann Of Kutch ( 200 kms/4 hrs drive)

Morning jeep safari to the Velavadar and after breakfast drive to Little Rann of Kutch 200 kms/4 hrs drive. On arrival check into the resort. Lunch and afternoon game drive to the Little Rann of Kutch.

The Little Rann of Kutch is a birdwatcher’s paradise in winter. Houbara bustard, sandgrouse, desert chat, desert wheatear, nine species of larks, quails, gray francolin,etc are seen in the saline desert wilderness. Eagles, vultures, harriers and falcons can be seen hunting in the Rann.The marshes in the Rann, and nearby lakes like NawaTalao and Vanod Saran, attract huge flocks of water birds. Flamingos, pelicans, cranes, storks, ducks, etc can be seen in large numbers.

The Wild Ass Sanctuary is located in the Little Rann of Kutch. It covers an area of 4954 km². The Sanctuary is named after a sub species of wild ass (Equushemionuskhur), the last population of which it harbours. The Rann is one of the most remarkable and unique landscapes of its kind in the entire world. It is a vast desiccated, unbroken bare surface of dark silt, encrusted with salts which transforms into a spectacular coastal wetland after the rains. The present saline desert of the Little Rann (saline desert-cum-seasonal wetland) of Kutch is believed to have been shallow sea. Dinner and overnight stay at the resort in Little Rann of Kutch

Day 08: Little Rann Of Kutch
Morning and afternoon game drive to the National Park. Lunch and dinner at the reosrt. Overnight stay at the resort at Little Rann of Kutch

Day 09: Little Rann Of Kutch - Ahmedabad – New Delhi
Morning game drive to the national park and later drive to Ahmedabad to board a flight to New Delhi at 1740 hrs to arrive New Delhi at 1920 hrs. Met at New Delhi airport and transfer to hotel . Overnight stay at the hotel in New Delhi

Day 10: New Delhi Fly back home
Morning free for leisure activities and later transfer to International airport to board a flight back home or onward destination 

End of our services

Note: The driving hours given above from one city to another are based on the normal conditions of the roads and may vary. Any break for Food / Tea / Toilets / Sightseeing on the way will take extra time than the above given hours.

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